The Yoga Beauty
Boss Babe: A woman who, as a center of influence, knows what she wants and goes for it. She's in charge of her life and makes no apologies or excuses for who she is.
When creating the Boss Babe Series, it was my hope to connect with inspiring women, and share their stories with others. Creative life can be tough, and while it's amazing to have the capability to pursue our passions, it's easy to get discouraged, and is not always a simple thing. We live in a world where social media is everyday life, and people are showcasing all of their amazing talents. When scrolling through Instagram, or Facebook, we find ourselves comparing our work to others, and on occasion it creates a self doubt. There's a business side, and a work-life-balance that still needs to be maintained as well, and let's face it, sometimes it is just hard. These Boss Babes are here to tell you that they have been there, and that YOU CAN DO THIS!
So, without further ado- Meet Teaira, the yoga beauty.
Teaira Lambert, a woman who believes in the earth, and it's bountiful blessings. A woman who loves fiercely, her family, and friends. A mother to two adorable tiny humans, Blake, and Marley.
I have known Teaira for a few years now, and she has always been someone to be amazed by. Being such a passionate person, she's often eager to learn new things and surrounds herself with many hobbies that make her extremely well-rounded. Within the last three years, she took a prenatal yoga class and has blossomed from there to excel in the art of yoga. In the fall she will even be starting a course to become a teacher for a local yoga class.
We decided to team up, and having creative playdates, if you will, where she yogas, and I snap photos! During these meet-up's I was able to learn more about Teaira and hear about her journey. In our little Q&A, she has some great answers, so keep scrolling and check them out!
- What are you passionate about?
I’ve realized the older I get, the more I’m becoming passionate about SO many “little things” in life.
Such as yoga (obviously), my families happiness, food, art, Mother
Nature, MUSIC... the list goes on and multiplies daily!
- If you're needing to get amped up or inspired, what do you do?!
I actually like to stay away from social media when I’m feeling the urge to be inspired, I then turn on my favorite Pandora station (I pretty much go back and forth between Nahko & Rising Appalachia), grab my mat & zone the world out. I’ve found simply free-flowing & letting my body do the talking results in me feeling more confident & inspired than ever
- What are two of your most satisfying accomplishments? It can be anything in life!
My first & most satisfying accomplishment by far would be becoming a Mother. My kids are the reason I do what I do & they’ve taught me so much about life, love & being the best version of myself I can be.
I’d say my second most satisfying accomplishment would be the self-journey I’ve hopped on if that makes sense. Being OPEN to the process of finding myself through yoga, realizing exactly what I want to do in this lifetime & discovering what my purpose is here on Earth. I’m learning something new about myself every single day & it’s pretty fun. - What advice would you give someone chasing their dreams?
I know it’s cliche, but to NEVER give up. I have my ups & I certainly have my downs. Those little voices speak to me and tell me negative things & those become the times that I choose to rise up & become more powerful, simply because I don’t listen to them.
I am good enough, I am worthy of my dreams and I am mentally and physically strong. I put the work in and witness magic. So can you!