A little bit about this Mama+Boss Babe
Recently I decided that I wanted to start a blog that helps share about other entrepreneurs. My hopes in creating the Boss Babe Series is to inspire, connect, and network. Plus, not to mention share about some really amazing individuals, and showcase them embracing their dreams, and paths.
I think everyone has the magic in them to do what their heart desires, just sometimes we need a little encouragement.
So what is a Boss Babe?
The definition of Boss Babe is a woman who owns her own business. As a center of influence, she knows what she wants and goes for it. She's in charge of her life and makes no apologies or excuses for who she is.
When I first decided to work on the Boss Babe Series, a friend was coming back home to Michigan to visit. It was a sign! I felt that she embodies the definition of a Boss Babe, and then some. Meet Danielle, Get Lucky's first to appear on the Boss Babe Series!
A brief background story-
Danielle is an entrepreneur, originally from Michigan, but recently settled in at Beautfort, South Carolina. The owner of her own photography business, Oh Honey Photography, and co-owner of an adorable boutique, Beaufort Wishlist. While excelling in the two businesses, she also raises two little ones, Aiden, and Bradlee, and is an amazingly supportive wife.
At Elleare Studio, she visited me with her two children and showed off her Mom skills by balancing keeping them entertained, and having her photos taken all at the same time. We only had one tearful moment that was quickly resolved with a tickle war.
For the Boss Babe Series, prior to meeting I send out a Q&A just to get to know a little more about what the Babe's are all about. I wanted the questions to be something that we could all potentially answer, or that may give someone else hope by reading it. Check out a couple of Danielle's Q&A's listed below.
- Tell me about about your success story, what were the failures you had to overcome?
Hearing she’s just a mom really set a fire inside of me, and pushed me towards achieving my goals. So shortly after, a year ago now, I bought my first real camera and went after it. Exploring my new home, I then found the perfect spot downtown Beaufort to open a shop. With help from my step mom (like a lot) we opened up Wishlist! Of course along the way there were some failures, and hurtles to get over. Mostly the mom guilt gets to me, it's never easy spending time away from your babies. As well as overcoming those who still didn't take me seriously.
- What are two of your most satisfying accomplishments? Can be anything in life!
My husband is a pilot in the United States Marine Corps. and when he is away on deployment, I am responsible for running the businesses, and keeping my kids alive! It's such a rewarding job, one I wouldn't trade for the world, and I'm proud of who Aiden, and Bradlee are growing up to be. Another accomplishment that's been very satisfying is taking the leap to becoming a business owner, and accepting the challenges that came with it. - What's your guilty pleasure?
Oh easy! Taco Bell, and naps! Who doesn't love a taco, or three, followed by a good nap?!
Want to follow Danielle's exciting journey? Look her up on Facebook, or Instagram!